Master of Happiness

Sign up and start enjoying your course today!

You get A detailed step by step guide towards...

  • Setting the start to your day in simple easy steps in only moments.
  • Easily Implemented exercises to change the course of your daily happiness step-by-step
  • Guidance on Overcoming hardships
  • Self Value and Self Love Techniques
  • Guidance in Meditation for ten, fifteen or thirty minutes or more. A review and guidance to many levels of Meditation.
  • Guidance to Breathe
  • Relationship, friendship and professional guidance
  • Relationship, Family guidance
  • Relationship, Spose, Significant Other guidance
  • Loneliness, making friends, finding love guidance
  • Finding and setting up your safe space
  • Managing control
  • Managing Anger
  • Managing Anxiety/ Depression
  • Managing Stress
  • Managing your environment
  • Staging your environment
  • Making decisions, understanding How to segment
  • Daily Guidance and Inspiration
  • Identifying Antecedents / Cause and Effect
  • When to and How to Move on
  • Moving forward from traumatic events
  • Guide to Eating Healthy
  • Guide to Sleep
  • Complete and detailed guidance on Forgiveness
Each subject will have a video lecture from me and workbook for you to implement each exercise and document your progress.

Special Offer: 

You get all of this Valued at over $995+

Today for only $495!

Discover how to shift your life in easy to Implement strategies that will not only change your life and the way you view people and problems but also give you the life changing tools you need to build and strengthen your happiness foundation, empowering you to be an unshakable Master of Happiness!

Yes I am ready to take control of my life and become a Master of  Happiness!



© Copyright SLMDaisy Life